Food Safety Regulatory and Certification Training, Food Handlers, Food Supervisors, and Hotel – Restaurant – Cafe (Horeka)
All teachers from Fishery Product Processing Agribusiness (APHPi) program and Freshwater Fishery Agribusiness (APAT) program at SMKN 2 Turen underwent certification and regulatory training related to the food safety and hospitality industry, as well as for food handlers and food supervisors.
There were 15 training topics delivered, including a general introduction to food handling, prerequisites for fish handling premises, Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP), food standardization and legislation, Covid-19 risk control in fish processing units, health & nutrition, and code of ethics for food business operators.
The training was conducted from mid-August until late September 2021 virtually using Zoom. The virtual training was carried out due to the Covid-19 pandemic. There were three trainers who delivered material to the trainees, namely Evelyne Nusalim, and Affan Nurachman, S.TP., M.Sc., from Indonesian Food Safety Institute (IFSI), and Irham Budiman, S.Pi., M.Si. from MUTU International (PT Mutuagung Lestari).
Not only training but participants were also given independent tasks to apply the knowledge given during the training. For example, participants were assigned to design the critical control points for the analysis of food product hazards and Covid-19 risks in the food product production process.
Furthermore, the training participants or teachers of the APHPi and APAT SMKN 2 Turen programs then passed on the knowledge gained to students studying in both programs, and training materials that have been conducted can be included in the curriculum of SMKN 2 Turen.